Thursday, September 19, 2024

Getting the Direction Wrong

Interesting debate here:

Is The American Dream Alive and Well?

David Leonhardt and Bhaskar Sunkara often get the direction wrong on many of the points that they make. Examples are drug deaths, divorce and lower rates of marriage. Those are more likely the result more wealth and opportunity. Let's face the awful fact that when some people have more ability to get drugs they use more and when women can earn a good living they can be more selective of whom they marry and stay with.

And when David Leonhardt and Bhaskar Sunkara did get the direction right that is on crime, a big part of the cause is on their side. Poor law enforcement in places where democrats control law enforcement (though the illegality of drugs is probably also a factor).

Let's try to stop crime before it occurs like some have argued has been done in New York city.

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