Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Healthcare Spending VS Length of Life in Countries Selected by Me to Highlight a Point

                             Healthcare spending   GDP Per    Life                  Per Capita Healthcare
Country                as % of GDP                 Capita       Expectancy     Spending
Costa Rica          8.15%                             17,200      79.6                  1,401
Denmark             10.33%                           49,600      80.6                  5,124
USA                     16.84%                           59,500      79.3                 10,020
Italy                       9.0%                               38,000      82.7                  3,420

People in Costa Rica life a much rougher life. The murder rate in Costa Rica is 10/100,00, 2x times as high as the USA and 10x as high as Denmark. If you back out murders, and one reasonably might, the USA will get close to Denmark and Costa Rica will be way ahead. Italy, famous for corrupt government is as far ahead Denmark in length of life as Denmark is ahead of the USA, and Costa Rica beats the USA and is close to Denmark!

I would expect spending as a percent of GDP and total spending on healthcare to be a factor in health.  GDP for the costs of staff and total spending to be for the costs of equipment much of it being imported.  But as for the differences in the countries about we see little of either.

The healthcare is Switzerland and Germany seem reasonably close the system in the USA post PPACA.

So healthcare spending beyond some low level does not seem to have that much effect on health.

I got the data from:

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