Friday, January 1, 2016


I would like the USA to return to the free immigration policies of the past (like when my grandparents immigrated). Then incoming immigrants where checked for communicable diseases and if clean they were granted entry.

BUT seeing that:

  • There is a large percent of voters who are anti-immigration and a larger percent who are against illegal immigration. 
  • It seems absurd to have a law that you have no intention of enforcing.
  • The illegal immigrants who have been here the longest are better off than those who would have wanted to come but did not come because they did not want to come illegally.
  • The illegal immigrants who have been here the longest are better off because they have had a chance to earn more money than those in Mexico.
  • The illegal immigrants who have been here the longest are better off because they have had a chance to learn some English which might help them get a better job in Mexico.

So suppose we deport illegal immigrants starting with those who have been here the longest and for each one deported we let in a person from the queue. Or maybe we let in two people from the queue for each illegal deported.

This seems to be a reasonable compromise between pro and anti immigration voters.

Also, perhaps we should start a guest worker program.

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