Monday, September 20, 2010

A payment method that makes sense for 3% of the economy does not make sense when the sector balloons to 20% of the economy.

Here is an article that suggests life time health insurance

He suggests legislation that builds a a life time insuance scheme but we can build such a scheme ourselves. 
He like most people debating this issue ignores the fact that if an expensive medical intervention works one can amortize the bill over time. Since young people can amortize a bill, people do not ever need anything more than very high deductible insurance throughout life. People could take the difference between a very high deductible premium and a comprehensive plan premium and save it for future expenses. You could use this to keep your medical spending stable throughout life.

The only question is why do they not do this. My theory is that employers took on medical insurance when medical spending was small and so it made sense for them to do so. Now employers are increasing deductibles and dropping insurance which makes sense (who wants someone else to make 20% of their expenditures) but is perceived as bad and painful.
A payment method that makes sense for 3% of the economy does not make sense when the sector balloons to 20% of the economy.

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